Beam Routing Optics

enclosed transport optics

The Ultrafast Systems transport optics (TO) kits are designed for time-resolved spectrometry experiments. They significantly increase laser safety and protect the beams from air currents.

These TO kits also protect the optics from dust, making the overall setup more robust and resistant to mechanical shock and accidental mirror mishandling.

hyperion ultrafast laser setup beam routing optics
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Features & Specs

Motorized Mirror Switching

The optics inside are decoupled from the enclosures, so an accidental bump on the beam tube or the enclosure itself would not affect the alignment.

motorized mirror switching 1m
motorized mirror switching 2m

The optics inside are decoupled from the enclosures, so an accidental bump on the beam tube or the enclosure itself would not affect the alignment.

Our TO family includes mirrors, beamsplitters, manual switching mirrors, motorized switching mirrors, and periscopes. The clear aperture of the routing optics is 24 mm.

Motorized Mirror Switching

motorized mirror switching 1m
motorized mirror switching 2m
motorized mirror switching 3m
motorized mirror switching 4m

Periscopes | Static Delays

periscopes static delays 1m
periscopes static delays 2m

Our TO family includes mirrors, beamsplitters, manual switching mirrors, motorized switching mirrors, and periscopes. The clear aperture of the routing optics is 24 mm.

Motorized Mirror Switching

motorized mirror switching 1m
motorized mirror switching 2m
motorized mirror switching 3m
motorized mirror switching 4m

Periscopes | Static Delays

periscopes static delays 1m
periscopes static delays 2m

We offer several coating options for the mirrors:

Low GDD coating
for ~800 nm or ~1030 nm

These are optimal for laser beam routing.
beam routing optics mirror 2

UV-enhanced Al

This coating works well across the 250 nm - 20 µm range and is suitable for OPA output.
beam routing optics mirror 1
High-reflectance Low GDD coating
High-reflectance Low GDD coating
High-reflectance Low GDD coating
High-reflectance Low GDD coating
UV-enhanced Al
UV-enhanced Al

Halcyone features versatile and user-friendly LabVIEW-based software for instrument control and data acquisition. The software allows for full experiment automation, so no input from the user is required for the whole experiment duration.

The software is also very user-friendly and versatile:

  • Supports a PMT detector with a computer-controlled monochromator.

  • Supports a CCD detector with a high throughput spectrograph.

  • Takes into account the pump and fluorescence wavelengths and automatically adjusts the computer controlled non-linear crystal’s angle.

  • Automated alignment of the optical delay line.

  • Computer controlled switching between UV, VIS, and NIR fluorescence spectral ranges.

  • Supports computer controlled translating sample holder.

  • Supports pump beam shutter.

  • Supports motorized filter wheel for automated pump intensity control.

  • Saves every individual kinetic scan, so if the experiment is aborted (due to laser fluctuations, power outages, etc.) all previous scans are not lost.

  • Threshold adjusted automatic probe intensity spike rejection – an advanced setting that collects data points again if the probe is not stable.

  • API (Application Programming Interface) for HALCYONE is provided for further experiment customization and integration with external applications.


Time-resolved fluorescence spectrometers are designed to measure the lifetime of the emissive excited state of a molecule. As a result of the photon absorption, the molecule passes from the ground state to an excited state. The reverse transition will occur at a rate specific to this chromophore. The lifetime of fluorescence is unique for each molecule and depends on the molecule’s environment. This property makes time-resolved spectrometry a powerful tool for studying processes that may involve:

Radiative relaxation (fluorescence)

Vibrational relaxation

Internal conversion

Energy transfer

Intersystem crossing (i.e. singlet to triplet transition)


Conformational changes

Electron transfer to another molecule or the solvent

In a broader sense, HALCYONE can be used in:


Cell biology


Materials science



Brochures & Examples

HALCYONE Pico Brochure

HALCYONE (NIR PMT). Singlet Oxygen Emission (1270 nm).

We continuously improve our products and reserve the right to change products and specifications
at any time without notice. Images may or may not include optional equipment.

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